This weekend, we are hosting a Groom’s Dinner tonight and a wedding ceremony tomorrow afternoon here at our home.   The challenge all summer has been keeping the garden in tip top shape through some pretty challenging weather situations…lots of heavy rain, hail and even damaging storms.  (Remember the downed tree and crashed fence a month ago?)  This week, we are experiencing rain fall totals in MN that are historic.  There is a small town not too far away from us that received 18″ of rain in one 24 hour period of time.  We, luckily, received just 4″ that same night.  More is on the way for today and tomorrow and we are crossing our fingers that we can squeeze in our events between showers.

I snapped a few pictures of the garden as it is now in the fall….fewer flowers bloom now, but at least the hydrangeas and coleus plants are their strongest at this time.  I will hopefully get some shots of the set-up tonight with all the lights on and candles glowing.img_0233

Our bedrooms are all filled with family from out of town so the house is hopping and I have lots of food prep for tonight to do.  So, as the sun comes up…another busy day ahead.

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